
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


With 26 days of school left I am encouraging myself to stay as excited as possible! I have been busy letting my mind plan and re-plan next year as if I know my teaching assignment yet! I have been keeping a notebook of my future ideas both for a classroom teacher and a reading interventionist.  I have officially determined that I want to be a workshop teacher.  As much as I heart guided reading and all that if offers, the thought that I would meet individually with my students more often was intriguing.  My fiancée who also happens to be a teacher, first grade to be exact, implemented the CAFE model this year in his room.  I am blown away at the progress his children have made in the first grade and ponder why are more teacher NOT implementing the workshop model?!?!?  I have created a list of must read books or books I want to re-read for over the know in between our wedding, second reception, honeymoon, Responsive Classroom training, PBIS coach training and anything else I get signed up for!

Let me know what you have thought of these books or if you have any other suggestions!!!

CAFE- The Sisters 

     Daily Five- The Sisters

Around the Reading Workshop in 180 days by: Frank Serafini- One of my Master's professors!


Guiding Readers and Writers- Fountas and Pinnell

Writing Workshop by Ralph Fletcher and JoAnn Portalupi

A Writer's Notebook by Ralph Fletcher children


  1. I hope you don't mind if i follow along .... I am not an elementary school teacher by trade but plenty of people have told me they have learned something from me about life and I always tell them that GOD is the source of my wisdom so that HE gets the glory .... Have a great evening

  2. Please do follow along! I am excited to follow along on your blog as well!

  3. lovin' all the ralph fletcher! =)

    mrs tabb
